A plan to find Ms. Bad Underwear.

Oct 14, 2016 Part 6

Weight: 118

Ate: nothing

Drank: delicious nonfat latte

Sex: Yes, tonight. I’ll make plans.

Alice couldn’t be Ms. Bad Underwear, could she? Now she had that fashion sense, but at the funeral she’d clearly been interested in John.

She wasn’t the enemy.

Vicki sniffed the air. “You mean she smells like my brother’s cologne.”

Good. See. I was being crazy thinking this was some friend. It wasn’t.

Alice stepped away from the pair of them and simply said, “Stop.”

“You slept with John and then left him in bed.” I tapped my foot and laughed when I saw the half naked men covers of the romance section. But then I said, “I thought good girls like you never did anything like that.”

Alice lifted her head. “Like what?”

If we were going to be friends, then I hoped Alice wasn’t still the perfect one as I said, “Like sleep with a man before marriage. Isn’t that what you hated about me in high school?”

Alice crossed her hands. “You slept with every guy in our high school.”

Jennifer lifted her eyebrow. That was a phase after I broke up with Rafe and Peter already graduated. If I stayed home, with my mother, I’d be miserable. But that wasn’t here nor there. And besides, who cares? This wasn’t medieval England anymore and I practiced safe sex, every time in my life. However I saw Vicki’s thin lips too and I stood straighter. ”Not every guy.”

Alice’s feet grew apart. “Like who did you miss?”

I traced the neckline of my dress and ignored the buzz of my skin. Why was this their discussion? I shook my head and said, “Not your John or Colt.”

Vicki took my arm and then spoke to Alice as she said, “My brother had said someone was after you from the funeral. I didn’t think about that when I invited you this morning, and I don’t like you here without protection.”

Wait. How had that happened? Was that why we were in the backroom? Some drama with Alice? I’d have never guessed. My skin buzzed with curiosity.

“Let it go.” Alice shrugged like this was the end of it. She then sighed and added, “Creeps don’t get more than a second of our thoughts. I’ll be more careful from now on.”

“True.” I said and grinned. “Yes, let’s talk about you and John.”

For once I wasn’t the topic of discussion and this was perfect for me. It was better if Alice and I were friends. Then maybe I could talk to Peter about her growing relationship with John. I’d never interfere with his business, but if he was serious about mending the House of Morgan, then he’d want to start.

And once I had the time, I’ll call Rafe. I need his help finding out Mr. Italian and I’ll need to figure out Ms. Bad Underwear. I wonder if he could recommend a DNA lab.

Then like a laser beam I had a plan. I could find one on my own if I had to. Then once I knew whoever this girl was, I’d eliminate the competition. No one stole from me.

The House of Morgan

The House of Morgan

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For some, joining the FBI is a long-term goal. For billionaire John Morgan, joining the Bureau is a stepping stone to proving his father is culpable for his sister’s death. After his estranged father dies, John is forced to return home and face the ghosts of his past. But that proves to be more difficult than he ever imagined.

After losing her best friend under inexplicable circumstances, Alice Collins’ world view shifts until her small town sensibilities convinced her to attend Mr. Morgan’s funeral. Soon, the past and the present collide, and Alice is caught in the crosshairs. But when John comes to her aid, it only serves to complicate matters for both of them.

Can a handsome billionaire on a vendetta fall for a small town girl…or does he have something else in mind?

Fans of Jackie Collins, Danielle Steele, and Bella Andre are addicted to this sweet contemporary romance series!