I usually write my blogs out on Monday so I have time to read and review, but as the title of the piece on writing goes ‘no judging yourself.’ We are our own worst critics. I’m writing this blog post on writing as I am exhausted from the whole motherhood thing.
Currently I am writing and editing. I’m in a boxed set and the book is due at the end of August. I’m reading and self editing. Then I’m fixing up Queen Uncovered and thinking of a better title. I’m adding in more adult content, which means I’m going from G to PG with a few kisses. And I’m working on the fifth novel in my House of Morgan Series. However the pace is different. I do what I can when I fit it in. I will find a way to continue writing as it’s important to me that I show my daughter that we always chase our dreams.
I want to be the role model though I also want to spend time holding her. She is adorable.
Lastly as many blog readers have noticed, I changed this blog and my newsletter a lot in 2016. The purple bubbles are long gone. I transitioned to a real author website this year and I have written my notes in a nonfiction book. I’ll be releasing “Transforming Cold Clicks into Raving Genre Readers” September 25th.
MindMap Your Marketing Plan to find your goals, your readers, the benefits you offer and marketing options that work. Build Your Newsletter with readers who love your work using lead sources and giveaways you’ll offer. If you only have one book or no book yet, we’ll discuss alternatives to a free novel. Then once you have subscribers, let’s discuss how to automate your communication to transform clicks to reviewing readers. Then finally, Blogging is necessary and can fit in your life. We will dig deeper into content than just ‘set up a blog’ information with our eyes on remaining visible so when readers find you, they discover your world of novels.
Preorder: http://amzn.to/2aYODCB
(This will be on Ibooks, Nook, and everywhere. Amazon is faster at offering links.)