Secret Tryst announcement

Secret Tryst announcement

Secret Tycoon is coming September 27th I’m beyon nervous about this book coming out. I wrote a whole horrible novel that I chucked and focused on one of the other Morgans. I wanted to focus on less heavy characters and this one has a huge setting in New York....
Romantic Suspense, the early years and me

Romantic Suspense, the early years and me

When I first started writing and my first book was published in 2013 (which was sci fi romance), I was working. I had no children, no husband but I had a law degree that I wasn't using. So my writing journey began with the Collins and there was tons of suspense with...
Saving Money makes me excited

Saving Money makes me excited

When I was a teenager, my mom and I would spend way too much money buying things we didn’t need. I continued the tradition of waste for a while and then finally I grew up and realized saving money is more my jam. So yes I have a new book coming out soon…...
Honey Bun is now in Kindle Unlimited

Honey Bun is now in Kindle Unlimited

HONEY BUN JUST DROPPED IN KINDLE UNLIMITEDI’m so excited that the Steel Series is doing so well in Kindle Unlimited. I’m humbled and grateful to the Amazon fans. And I totally understand having to budget books now, so the fact that my series I wrote while...