It’s a Wednesday and I’m home

I hope everyone is doing good out in the world. Cold winds have taken Miami and it’s only 68 degrees out. Now to my first home in the world, people in Boston, this is summer weather. Throw on shorts and a tee shirt temperatures. But in Miami we call this cold...

Avoiding the Dark moment

Today is a quick blurb on writing. I have reached the black moment where my heroine is about to do the worst possible thing. I hate writing dark moments, and I’ve avoided successfully now for three hours. I wrote 20 blogs for the month of April, and you’ll...

My Week and Happy Saturday

I don’t know how your week was, but mine was fast and eventful. I almost lost a finger with the ancient paper slicer still existing in schools today. My finger nail saved my finger. And the tetanus shot. This hurts worse than the finger. I’m stressed, and...