I don’t know about you but change can be exciting but also nerve wracking for me. For the day job, I’m starting a new gig this year. Saying yes was hard because I liked my job and knew my schedule for when I could write and what the deal was. I didn’t have to come out of my comfort zone, and the money is basically a wash in taking the new offer. They offered me more to stay, but the money I save in tolls, gas and wear and tear more than makes up for it. Their hands were tied. And literally this job fell into my lap without me searching for it.
My instincts say its a better opportunity. But it requires me changing hours, and being out there in a new way. Everything was good and I was comfortable where I was. Change requires me to roll with the punches though, and the start will be rocky. I’ll have to prove myself capable again.
Part of me wishes I didn’t have to and had the ability to write all the time. I’d love that. But the whole living on our own thing and being a responsible adult doesn’t go away.
So the whole schedule goes up and array soon. And a small part of me is super nervous about it because I had the option to stay still. Yet the bigger part of me is excited. My instincts say better opportunity awaits and that change is good.
Yet I have five novels I’ve sold to publishers and I’ll be into extensive edits on four more of them soon enough. This will all turn out good.
I have a few days more to get things ready for the Savvy Authors pitch sessions. If you’re a premium member there, go on over and check out the listings of book pitch opportunities I set up for the Summer Symposium. It’s going to be exciting!!!
Then I need to get back into the writing mode. Everything works out better when I’m on target and allowing my creative juices to soar.
And oh, did I share the cover? This comes out in December, but I’m so excited. I can’t help myself.
The pink haired alien girl looks like a bad girl, and I’m excited. Makes me want to write a sequel. I hope people enjoy it because it was a stretch of the imagination for me. Body switching isn’t a normal topic for discussion.
Okay must get back to cleaning up a novel. I want to have ready to pitch.
Talk to y’all later and no matter what stay positive. Even in times of change, things work out. Just have to keep the faith.
Later this week, I’l talk about determination, which to me is the cornerstone of keeping ethics and being honest both with myself and with others. I’m far from perfect. Go in peace and we’ll talk about this later.
Oh and I’m feeling the need to do something silly. What that might be is a question at the moment.