So it was storming outside this afternoon in Miami. It still looks like it’s night outside my window, but storm has passed. So instead of editing like I should, I’m playing with a photo editor. I think I had too much fun or the cold ease is getting to me. Either way, this is the first of quite a few pictures.
This week has been interesting. I listened to Malle Vallik yesterday from Harlequin at our monthly meeting, and she intrigues me. I met her at Nationals briefly and now that I know she edited the Love and Laughter series, I’m a total fan girl. We talked books. And I hope she found amazing deals while she went shopping here in Miami. And that her flight left before this rain.
Anyhow I’m getting excited my books are coming out besides writing more stuff. YEAH! A friend of mine, Sheena Snow, recently sold her first novel and I’m so excited for her too.
So now I’ve got to dump this cold in my nose and get better. Life is too much fun to be sitting around my place with tissues. (So not pretty.) Which is why I chose the artsy girl in the red dress walking past my coming out in December novel to cheer me up pic.)
Life is going great, and I wish everyone success and love.