I made a huge decision today. I’ve never released anything about peter and Jennifer and i had all these plans for the last 5 books but I never released the horrible book that was under my bed that I tried in vein to learn to write. Peter was such a jerk. Jennifer was so over the top that the story was just awful. I never looked at it. I’m still not looking at it. But I am rewriting it. It’s a prequel. It’s been the passion project for years as many of you know. When I wrote Secret Bet I was hoping Peter found a better story than the one I originally planned for him and Jennifer. They lead to a more happy ever after romance which I love. Jennifer and Peter were not. It was stormy and Mitch is alive in that one. But I decided before I get to the next few books coming up on Belle, Jennifer and Peter that it’s time to rewrite this monster of a book. It won’t be like my usual stories, complete with a happily ever after at least not right away. As you know in the books he married Belle, he thought they had children, he wants to be a good man. But before the funeral, he dated Jennifer and that ended. So I want to tell that story before I fully decide how his rocky relationship status ends. I hope you are okay with this one more soapy story I’m writing so the triangle makes sense.
I’ll probably release Kelly and Xerses before this so that’s good. I love romance as it’s my drama, but once in a while a passion story comes out that is hard to handle. I hope no one judges me forever based on Peter and Jennifer as I’m a big believer in happily ever after. And I hope you’re excited with me…
Short Preview that will be edited. (and remember this is before Secret Crush comes out.)
I watch her from across the deck of my yacht, the Miami skyline throwing neon reflections across the dark waters behind her. Jennifer Gonzales—the ghost of my past wrapped in a white summer dress that catches the wind just enough to make her look ethereal. She doesn’t know I’m watching. Nobody ever does, until I want them to. That’s the first rule I learned when I decided to become what I am: observation is power, and power is everything in this city of golden dreams and tarnished souls.