Determination and Youtube Videos

I totally own up to the fact I love making youtube trailers for my books. My dad worked for Warner Brothers back in the day, and his commentary on how movie stories unfold has helped me visualize. But I never went to film school, and I don’t have stock video to...

Change can be exciting and nerve wracking

I don’t know about you but change can be exciting but also nerve wracking for me. For the day job, I’m starting a new gig this year. Saying yes was hard because I liked my job and knew my schedule for when I could write and what the deal was. I...

Slightly Oversensitive about nothing serious

I’m editing the Zoastra Affair, again. The book took me two years to write. It’s not like one of my contemporaries, which don’t get me wrong, I love writing and reading. But I know this world and how to keep myself going. I don’t have to...

I own up to loving the blank page

At my first RWA Nationals in Orlando after completing my first manuscript, people asked me “Are you a plotter or a pantser?” I had no idea what that meant. I went with plotter because I know what a plot to the story is. There has to be a logical flow to...