Wishes and such

Someone the other day asked if my life was like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City. While I liked the show, and her taste in clothes, the true answer is no. I sit around writing on my laptop, and I don’t watch much TV anymore, but that’s where the...

Commitments, Rainstorms and fun

        So it was storming outside this afternoon in Miami. It still looks like it’s night outside my window, but storm has passed. So instead of editing like I should, I’m playing with a photo editor. I think I had too much fun or the...

New Job and edits and stress

You’ll notice I stopped blogging recently. I do apologize, but the truth is I started a new job. New jobs take time to adjust. I’ve a new schedule, new traffic patterns, etc. Then I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed I’m easily upset...

Hot Summer Heroes Blog Hop Auguest 15th to 18th

What is a blog hop? A blog hop is a linky list that is shared on multiple blogs. When several blogs put the same linky list code on their blog, the exact same list appears on each blog. Blog visitors can submit their entries on any blog that contains the list. The...