Princes of Avce Boxed Set Available Now

Amazon   Apple Books   Barnes and Noble   Google Play   Kobo Growing up I read tons of Harlequin books. They were like my monthly secret pleasure. My parents really had know idea what I was reading or they just liked I was reading. However I totally devoured all books...

Release Day for Forbidden Royal

It’s release day! I’m so excited this book baby is being released to the world. Lucio and Amy were one of my favorite stories to write. To celebrate this pregnant lady is going to eat Reese’s Peanut Buttercups and drink a Coca-Cola, which are both...

Series redesign.

                I’m clearly going through a redesign of the covers again. The reason in 2017 we changed from the original covers to an alternate version was BECAUSE of the fonts and not being able to read clearly the title...