Keeping the romance alive

My husband and I had an amazing experience yesterday, we had our level two ultrasound. I’m not ready to talk about it yet. First I have to get my thoughts in order. Right now I’m just happy. So today’s topic will be about keeping the romance alive....

Happy Easter

Just a quick note to wish everyone a Happy Easter. I personally appreciate that Easter is not as commercialized as Christmas. The true spirit of the day can shine through. The message I always get is to be try and be a good person. Sometimes the ego gets in the way of...

Writing while pregnant

Pregnancy brain is real. It steals your concentration. All I want to do is relax. So writing is a challenge these days. It’s more of a challenge than writing while pregnant. Long time readers of my blog know I was pretty good at finding time to concentrate then....

Preparing for Childbirth and life after

“Nothing prepares you.” then insert “personal story.” This is the most common advice I’ve heard to date. While it’s absolutely true that I cannot prepare for any and all things, I’m over 35. At 18, I would not have been a good...

Saint Patrick’s Day tomorrow

Growing up March 17th was one of the best holidays of childhood. Green everything, a day off of school, I could go to a parade though it wasn’t directly in front of my door. As an Irish Catholic we understood that it was a religious holiday, but that we let...

Friday so the work day is almost done

I know next week at the day job it’s going to be busy. It’s what happens. Yet none of that takes away from that magical feelings that Friday brings. As children, we watched the clock extra carefully for that school bell to release us. In our twenties, we...