Romance Writers of America and my 2 cents

I want to start this statement with racism is WRONG. I signed the petition for Courtney Milan because what happened to her was wrong. I don’t know her personally.  But the procedures should not be weaponized to quiet a voice that is pro-diversity. I am also...

Woohoo Print Books are Returning

So in 2018 my print distribution went down and I meant to make a decision in 2019 on what to do. Life jumped in the way. First another baby. Then recovery. Then moving. And finding the time to sit for 72 hours or more on just one project, reading contracts, supplying...
Simple Basic Vanilla Cake Recipe

Simple Basic Vanilla Cake Recipe

So it’s super cold today in Pittsburgh so it’s an inside day. We have a meat stew ready for lunch, but for after we want to have a desert. We thought we’d make carrot cake but we’re lacking applesauce. So it’s plain vanilla cake today and...
Apple Pie with health in mind

Apple Pie with health in mind

Last week I talked about our homemade pie where we still use the natural ingredients. But we still want to treat ourselves with delicious food. We keep out as much chemicals as we can. Preheat oven to 425. Apple Pie Crust 1 cup of cold water 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt...
Chicken Patty Recipe

Chicken Patty Recipe

So my husband and I enjoy making homemade chicken patties or nuggets for our family that are free of lots of preservatives, but still want to enjoy old fashioned chicken patties or chicken nuggets with your kids or for yourself without hitting the frozen food section....