Life Changes so go with the Flow

I usually write my blogs out on Monday so I have time to read and review, but as the title of the piece on writing goes ‘no judging yourself.’ We are our own worst critics. I’m writing this blog post on writing as I am exhausted from the whole...
Motherhood Week 1 Reporting

Motherhood Week 1 Reporting

Transitioning from single to married wasn’t a huge deal. I loved my husband. The choice was simple. But for nine months my entire body changed. I couldn’t imagine the person who would come out of me or what she’d look like. I had a hard time...

Boston A Place I want My Daughter to See

When I think about things I want for my daughter, it’s hard to imagine her face that I’ve not seen. I imagine that she’ll be successful at whatever she does in life and that with luck she’ll have my determination and bold attitude sometimes....

I am my husband’s biggest fan and he’s mine

Let me be honest here right now. Sex is not on my mind at all these days. I feel like I swallowed a basketball and don’t feel sexy at all. I feel the opposite to be truthful. I have faux contractions and the only ‘hot’ I feel is that my body is an...

Writing Character You Love

So the wonderful Rossie Cortes, my PR guru extraordinaire whose launching soon, told me to come up with a giveaway for writing in case my readers are ever writers. As most long time readers of the blog know I do talk about writing as it’s...