by Victoria Pinder | Aug 27, 2021 | Blog
So I am writing this for the new writers who don’t have tough skin. I just saw my ‘Vivian scores’ and shrugged. Writers clearly don’t have the final say in anything. And no I don’t write controversial. I don’t care if I won or lost...
by Victoria Pinder | Aug 26, 2021 | Blog
When I first started writing and my first book was published in 2013 (which was sci fi romance), I was working. I had no children, no husband but I had a law degree that I wasn't using. So my writing journey began with the Collins and there was tons of suspense with...
by Victoria Pinder | May 23, 2021 | Blog
When I was a teenager, my mom and I would spend way too much money buying things we didn’t need. I continued the tradition of waste for a while and then finally I grew up and realized saving money is more my jam. So yes I have a new book coming out soon…...
by Victoria Pinder | May 8, 2021 | Blog
HONEY BUN JUST DROPPED IN KINDLE UNLIMITEDI’m so excited that the Steel Series is doing so well in Kindle Unlimited. I’m humbled and grateful to the Amazon fans. And I totally understand having to budget books now, so the fact that my series I wrote while...
by Victoria Pinder | Mar 27, 2021 | Blog
The Steels are now in Kindle Unlimited. Unlike my earlier books the Steel women really helped me go through 2020 in a more personal way. They were written in a new style for me and it took me some time to write characters in deep first person. However the reviews of...